When I was last in Toronto, I went to a dumpling house in China town. Yeah, the one in the picture below. They have these amazing dumplings that come with a little whispy crunchy thing.
Adds some great texture to some already amazing dumplings. I've been messing with how to create this same effect for way more months than I'm willing to admit. And tonight I'm pretty damn close. I think if I had turned up the heat sooner or if I had let it go just 2 or 3 more minutes I would have it.
Here is my latest conditions. Use hardly any oil at the start. Add 3/4 cup boiling water to dumplings in a medium hot pan. Let the water boil for about 8 to 10 minutes covered. Mix up 3/4 of a teaspoon of corn starch in <1/4 cup of hot water. Add the cornstarch to the pan and turn up the heat. wait until you start to see some browning. Get it out of hte pan by fliping upside down on a plate.
I think maybe a bit less water in the cornstarch, maybe 2/3 of a teaspoon and just a tad bit more heat will do it.